TOP > Attractions > Numbered Ticket(free)

Numbered Ticket(free)Numbered Ticket(free)

Enjoy the eligible attractions and areas smoothly.
* Some Numbered Tickets are included in the Universal Express Pass.

Yoyakunori (RIDE Reservation)

Yoyakunori is a reservation system that allows you to have fun even during your attraction waiting time.

Everybody's full of smiles, because they get to enjoy the park more instead of waiting in line!

2 easy steps to reserve!

  1. Go to the attraction with your Studio Passes.
  2. Select the time and issue the "Yoyakunori" ticket!

* The ticket machine is placed near the entrance of each attraction.

When your reserved time comes, go to the attraction's special entrance for "Yoyakunori" ticket holders!

* Image is for illustrative purposes

"Yoyakunori" Attractions

"Yoyakunori" Ticket Booth Map


  • "Yoyakunori" service does not ensure your admission to the attraction.
  • If you reserve an attraction, other reservation will become possible only past the reservation time of the already reserved attraction.
  • To have "Yoyakunori" tickets issued, please bring the Studio Passes of everyone in your group who wish to ride the attraction.
  • The "Yoyakunori" ticket will become invalid after the time printed on the ticket.
  • "Yoyakunori" service operates until 18:00. However, reservation will be closed once the capacity becomes full.
    For information on operation situation of "Yoyakunori", please ask the crew at each attraction.
  • "Yoyakunori" ticket can be used only during the reserved time slot of the issued date.
  • "Yoyakunori" tickets cannot be cashed, refunded or reissued. Also, reservation time cannot be changed.
  • Due to circumstances, operation may be cancelled or waiting time may be extended without prior notice.
  • Even if you have a "Yoyakunori" ticket, you will not be able to use it if you do not meet the usage standards.
    Please ask the crew at each attraction for details.
  • You can ride the attractions without reserving. For usage status of attractions, please ask the crew.